The Fenris Rug

The Fenris Rug

from $699.00

Jens Landberg Schrøder


Materials: Hand-woven rug in New Zealand wool on cotton warp, reversible

Dimensions: 55” x 79”, 67” x 95”, 79” x 118”, 98” x 138” or round Ø: 94.5”

As most of our rugs are unique and hand-made, the size can vary slightly from the ordered size (+/- 4%).

Colors: 1525 black/nature, 1629 grey/midnight, 1116 off white/grey, 1125 off white/nature

Options: Custom sizing available

Estimated lead time

Standard size: 2-4 weeks

Custom size: 16-20 weeks

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This slightly rustic hand-woven rug in a thick quality with a soft natural colour scheme is a very harmonic design, complimenting different types of wood and styles in a home. The tones and texture come out intentionally irregular thanks to the combination of a shimmering hand-spun natural wool yarn and pure New Zealand wool.